ARMORIC HOLDING is specialized in high-value metals processing.
It is composed of three divisions :
- Industrial bodywork division based in Britany :
Hydraulic multi decks livestock truck to transport animals. French leader on the multi decks market.
Armored vehicles.
European leader on sensitive material transport market.
- Industrial equipment division based in the Center of FRANCE
- Industrial automotive division based in LA LOUPE near Paris : SCOMA & NOVOCAR
Everithing start with the buyout of LABBE company military department in Lamballe by Frédéric LOUIS (Chairman), Ronan FLOCH, (Sales Director) et Daniel COTIN (Industrial Director) in June 2009
Its strong external growth has consolidated business with the acquisition of Carrosserie GUITTON (French leader on multi decks livestock trucks) then PROLITOL (Indistrial metalworking) and CERMAA (prototypes Expert).
Strong growth for 5 years, the group continues its international expansion and invests heavily in new product innovation (mix livestock trucks, transport funds).